Venezuela: Cidade Universitária de Caracas
A Universidade Central de Venezuela, Património Mundial, é um local que se funde na urbe de Caracas, capital do país.
É considerada uma obra-prima da arquitectura contemporânea e de planeamento urbano.
É um excelente exemplo de Movimento Moderno da arquitectura. Agrupa uma série de edifícios e funções organizadas e conjuntamente ordenadas e interligadas. Com várias Faculdades, Escolas e Institutos, contempla um Jardim Botânico com lagos e um Hospital.
Enriquecida com obras-primas da arquitectura moderna e outras artes plásticas, foi apelidada de "síntese das artes maiores", que encontra a sua expressão mais elevada na Aula Magna, com suas nuvens acústicas de Alexander Calder, o Estádio Olímpico com as suas enormes estátuas alegóricas ao desporto e a Plaza Coberta com seus murais e esculturas de artistas como Jean Arp, Fernand Léger, Victor Vasarely e Mateo Manaure, Alejandro Otero, Jesús-Rafael Soto, entre outros.
Passei muitas vezes por este local pois ficava à caminho da minha casa, na Colina de los Caobos, e lembro-me bem de ver os estádios quando descia a colina até a Plaza Venezuela.
Caracas foi a minha morada de 1985 até 1990, e ainda guardo muitas lembranças deste tempo.
Venezuela: Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas
The Central University of Venezuela, World Heritage Site, is a place that merges in the urban city of Caracas, capital of the country.
It is considered a masterpiece of contemporary architecture and urban planning.
It's a fine example of the Modern Movement of Architecture. It groups a series of buildings and functions organized and jointly ordered and interconnected. With several Colleges, Schools and Institutes, it includes a Botanical Garden with lakes and a Hospital.
Enriched with masterpieces of modern architecture and other fine arts, it was called a "synthesis of the greater arts", which finds its highest expression in the Aula Magna, with its acoustic clouds of Alexander Calder, the Olympic Stadium with its huge statues allegorical to sports and the Plaza Coberta with its murals and sculptures of artists like Jean Arp, Fernand Léger, Victor Vasarely and Mateo Manaure, Alejandro Otero, Jesús-Rafael Soto, among others.
I often passed by this place because I was on my way home on the Caobos Hill, I remember seeing the stadiums as I descended the hill to Plaza Venezuela.
Caracas was my home from 1985 until 1990, and I still have many memories of this time.
Estes postais foram enviados por Jose Ernesto Guzmán e demoraram 7 meses até chegarem a mim em Outubro de 2015
This postcards were sent by Jose Ernesto Guzmán and toke 7 months to reach me in October 2015
It is considered a masterpiece of contemporary architecture and urban planning.
It's a fine example of the Modern Movement of Architecture. It groups a series of buildings and functions organized and jointly ordered and interconnected. With several Colleges, Schools and Institutes, it includes a Botanical Garden with lakes and a Hospital.
Enriched with masterpieces of modern architecture and other fine arts, it was called a "synthesis of the greater arts", which finds its highest expression in the Aula Magna, with its acoustic clouds of Alexander Calder, the Olympic Stadium with its huge statues allegorical to sports and the Plaza Coberta with its murals and sculptures of artists like Jean Arp, Fernand Léger, Victor Vasarely and Mateo Manaure, Alejandro Otero, Jesús-Rafael Soto, among others.
I often passed by this place because I was on my way home on the Caobos Hill, I remember seeing the stadiums as I descended the hill to Plaza Venezuela.
Caracas was my home from 1985 until 1990, and I still have many memories of this time.
Estes postais foram enviados por Jose Ernesto Guzmán e demoraram 7 meses até chegarem a mim em Outubro de 2015
This postcards were sent by Jose Ernesto Guzmán and toke 7 months to reach me in October 2015
Faculdade de Engenharia Engineering College |
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Faculdade de Engenharia. Biblioteca de Engenharia. Vitral de Alejandro Otero. Engineering College. Engineering Library. Stained Glass by Alejandro Otero. |
Faculdade de Engenharia. Biblioteca de Engenharia. Fachada de Alejandro Otero. Engineering College. Engineering Library. Facade by Alejandro Otero. |
Faculdade de Engenharia. Instituto de Mecânica dos Fluidos. Engineering College. Institute of Fluid Mechanics. |
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